by Laurie Ingersoll

Things in our world have suddenly changed.

Life as we know it has been rearranged.

Things may be different, but we will get by

We are in this together, and we’ll be just fine!


There’s something out there that’s too small to see.

It can pass between us, from you onto me.

It’s called a virus, much worse than a cold.

They don’t have a cure yet, but will soon I’m told.


It likes to jump from one to the next.

Just how we catch it had us perplexed,

These germs are so tiny, they float in the air

If we sneeze or cough, they can go everywhere.


There are things we can do to keep us from harm

Like catching our sneezes inside our arm

We can be germ ninjas, stopping their spread.

Warm soapy water will kill them all dead!


We must keep our distance from family and friends

Six feet apart til this pandemic ends.

Things may be different, but we will get by

We are in this together, and we’ll be just fine!


Today the parks closed and so did the schools

Suddenly life has a new set of rules.

It’s a new kind of normal, a different routine.

Let’s read some new books, watch films we’ve not seen.


Let’s look on the bright side, we have this new time at home.

We can video friends or chat on the phone.

Hearing their voices and seeing their faces

Will keep us connected whilst stuck in our places.


We can still ride our bikes and go for nice walks.

We can sing our lungs out and have family talks,

Have backyard picnics and dance with the moon,

Tea parties, art sessions, it will be over soon.



We can learn brand new things and do our work too

Life will be altered for a short month or two.

Things may be different, but we will get by

We are in this together, and we’ll be just fine!


There are people alone and elderly too

Who would love a card or a wave from you.

We could water their plants or sweep off their stairs

Just a small kind deed to show them we care.


There may come a time when we’re all wearing masks

It’s for our own safety and those out doing their tasks

Think of it just like you’re wearing a cape,

A brave virus ninja, let no germ escape!


Treasure this time, it’s really a gift

To spend time with loved ones til quarantine lifts.

Things may be different, but we will get by

We are in this together, and we’ll be just fine.

Laurie Ingersoll